How might we brand a generative AI with a creative mission?
Brand Strategy + UX Design + Brand Identity + Visual Design
“Powered by technology and driven by creativity,” Because art education improves student STEM perfomance, Artsy™ is a smart teaching assistant that improves how indepedent artist educators individualize instruction.

1. Know its differentiator
Artsy™ analyzes data entered by parents, students, and teachers to build individualized lesson plans and track achievement in STEM courses.

2. Know how it works
Artsy™ leverages AI, voice, chat, and APIs to deliver a seamless and empathic experience while also meeting the unique needs of both educators and parents.

3. Know the user
The brand communication is primarily focused toward the independent artist educator (IAD). Secondary audiences and audience would include parents of school-aged children.
4. Identify the brand attributes
Artsy™ is “potent, brainy and unique.” It is powered by technology and driven by creativity. It promises simplicity and flexibility. It is based on scientific thinking, logical metrics, and artistic flair. It is informed by mathematical precision and infused with playful aesthetics.

5. Program the visual language
A relevant and standardized visual palette increases understanding and promotes recall which results in increased mindshare. A palette spanning several engagements in a brand experience maintains interest and prevents stagnation.

Use it consistent
The brand identity is applied consistently across all applications.