How Might We improve design understanding?
American Modernism One master at a Time
The influence of Modernist masters like Paul Rand still reaches our design aesthetics and processes. By creating a series of essay books focused on the life and work of such icons, formatted in their visual voice, designers can better understand who they were and how they influence the design being produced today.

Experience the story
As the text and design portray his professional origins, Paul Rand was the graphic design master of America's first modernist generation.

Highlight the historical turning point
Paul Rand commercialized Modernism. The layout shows how he broke with tradition and converted a utopian and socialist design philosophy into a vehicle for powerful corporate communications; masterfully merging modernist graphic design with commerce.
“He is an idealist and a realist, using the language of the poet and businessman." - Lazlo Moholo-Nagy, Bauhaus Co-founder

The Result
Saint Paul tells the American modernist story through the lens of Paul Rand's iconic and transformative graphic design aesthetic.
Rand is "Saint Paul" to those who revere his brilliant vision and contribution to the design profession, but also to his critics who mock his self-appointed role as the first innovator of American Modernism in graphic design.