How Can We use design to explore human nature?
Cheating Explored
Marion Jones, the former Olympic track star, pled guilty in 2007 in U.S. federal court to using performance-enhancing drugs. She later delivered a speech on the steps of the courthouse where she apologized for lying, cheating, and betraying the trust of her fans and the general public.
As a creative team, we created a chapter book that explored the issue in a meaningful way. But, with the added challenge of redefining the concept of a book experience, itself.

Let the medium deliver the message
Chapter six, It’s all the Shame to You, explores concept of the social mirror. With a pop-up device, it forces reader to experience the action of blame while reading about the emotional distress Marion Jone’s experienced during her public shaming.

Let every chapter tell its own story
Challenge the reader to engage the issue with every chapter design, promoting understanding and contemplation.

The result
To reimagine, as a group, the concept of a chapter book. Six "chapters" are bound by a bag of hot air to construct Truth, an experimental book that explores the nature of lying and cheating. It explores the content and context of Jones' speech and the forces that drove the talented athlete to cheat.