How might we raise public awareness about food addiction?
Food Addiction Comes
in Many Flavors.
Design Research + Art Direction + Copywriting
The German psychologist Dr. Adrian Meule described food addiction as "consuming large amounts for a long period, [with] repeated attempts to cut down, and continued use despite adverse consequences." Education and awareness are key factors in curbing the spread of and promoting treatment for food addiction.

Frame the scope
Project Brief > Food addiction is especially dangerous for urbanites, who are twice as likely to develop the disorder due to easy access to restaurants and stores in densely populated areas. The organization Food Addicts (FA) launched an educational site and seeks to promote its resources to help this underserved demographic.
Objective > As a graduate school project, the goal was to reach an underserved population with an impactful and informative campaign to direct traffic to
Outcome > I presented the seriousness of food addiction to urbanites who are more familiar with anti-drug and anti-smoking ads. The “Food Addiction Comes in Many Flavors” campaign brings awareness to the health crisis caused by over-consumption and informs the public of where to find help. The campaign tested very well among a small focus group of Austin urbanites.
Understand the needs
People may reconsider over-consumption when they know the negative impact on their health in a quantitative way.

Reframe the problem
Over-consumption can be compared to drug abuse, and food addiction can be as devastating to people’s lives as drug addiction. Visuals that elevate concern and information that offers a way to get help work together to drive action.

Craft an engaging experience
Human-sized campaign materials are installed in eye-level urban environments to maximize visibility in busy foot-traffic areas and common gathering places.